Travel in and out of Lombardy and the 14 provinces concerned is forbidden. You can only move for emergencies or "proven" work needs, but they will have to be authorized by the Prefect. Also, those who have been quarantined cannot move from their homes.
The educational activity for schools of every order and grade, universities and academies is suspended until April 3rd in the orange area and until March 15th in the yellow area.
All organized events, as well as events in a public or private place, including cultural, playful, sporting and religious events, even if they were held indoors but open to the public, are suspended throughout the country. Museums, cinemas, theatres, pubs, dance schools, arcades, betting rooms and bingo halls, clubs are closed.
Outdoor sports competitions are only allowed behind closed doors.
Catering services and bars in the orange area are allowed to stay open from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m., provided that the operator can comply with the "obligation" to ensure the distance of interpersonal safety in the premises. Restaurant and bars are open without limitations in the rest of Italy, with the same indications about distance among clients. Other non-catering businesses (i.e. shops) can stay open as long as they can guarantee the distance of 1 metre between customers.
Shopping malls will have to be closed on weekends, while supermarkets are open without limitations.